My work: The Alabamafication of America

My work: The Alabamafication of America
Katie Britt's State of the Union rebuttal was only the latest example of Alabama's outsized influence on American politics.

In 2016, I could see it coming. Few observers of national politics seemed to be taking Donald Trump seriously, but my experience covering my state told me otherwise. I had seen the politics of spite and self-defeat, and I could see Trump tapping into it. In a fit, I wrote the first column below and the headline that went with it. The Alabamafication of America is a force that must be understood and it has been a theme of my work ever since.

Moore, Hubbard, Bentley and the Alabamafication of America
Don’t let this happen to you.
The politics of hate and the sepsis of the soul
All my life I’ve heard people older than me wonder what might have happened had Wallace won in ’72. Now we know.
Whitmire: Mo Brooks knows he’s lying. Just ask Mo Brooks.
He’s learned a lot from Trump.
What Tommy Tuberville doesn’t know
He cares. Just not enough to learn.
Whitmire: Is Katie Britt for real?
She couldn’t be genuine and win. So she chose to be fake.
Alabama has spoken. We’re doing this again.
Thousands pay to hear Trump one day after latest arraignment.

Learn more about my work: Investigative commentary

My work: Investigative commentary
“There are no opinions,” a college professor once told me. “Only arguments. And some arguments are better than others.” Good arguments are built on foundations of fact. Likewise, good commentary is built on deep, careful reporting. Some of my best work is investigative commentary, blending the best of my two