My work: From the heart

As much as I enjoy giving public officials hell, the work that gets the best reader response might be when I write about the things closest to me.
When each of my children were born, I used the privilege of my post to write each of them an open letter of things I hope they'll remember. When Alabama doctors threatened doulas' access to their clients, I wrote a column ostensibly about that (but really about the bravery of my wife in childbirth). When Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, I shared how she had helped a scared little boy and his widowed father without either of us realizing it until decades later. And when a crusty old barkeep died, I shared what would end up being the first draft of his eulogy.
These are the things I'll remember long after the crooks and con artists have faded from my memory.

More about me: My life, work and Alabamafication